From June 25 to 28, within the framework of the realization of the European grant ERC-2021-COG MAMBA (Exploring Mammoth Bone Accumulations In Central Europe), the project collaborators took a research trip to the zoological collection of the Natural History Museum in Vienna. Thanks to the kindness of Dr. Ursula Göhlich, we had the opportunity to see and study animal remains from the most important Austrian sites, such as Willendorf, where the famous Venus figurine comes from, or Krems-Wachtberg, where Austrian archaeologists discovered a burial of twins dating back to 29,000 years ago.
The trip was attended by David Díez del Molino and Hannah Moots - scientists dealing with ancient DNA, as well as Alexander Pryor and Chris Bauman - specialists in isotope research. They were accompanied by paleontologists from ISEA PAS, Lena Matyaszczyk, responsible for studies on the population of red and arctic foxes in the project, and Oliwia Oszczealińska, dealing with the reindeer population from the end of the Pleniglacial period. The work was coordinated by Marc Händel, who is responsible for the part of the grant concerning the Austrian sites, and the whole project was supervised by Jarosław Wilczyński - principal investigator.
Marc Händel and Alex Pryor
Oliwia Oszczealińska
Lena Matyaszczyk
Chris Bauman
David Díez del Molino and Hannah Moots