Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals Polish Academy of Sciences Department of Vertebrate Zoology
Sławkowska 17
31-016, Kraków, Poland
I am a doctoral student at the Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences. The subject of my doctoral thesis is "The reindeer population from the late Pleniglacial sites of Central Europe". The primary objective of this research is to conduct interdisciplinary studies on the reindeer population inhabiting Central Europe at the end of the glacial epoch. The research aims to address questions related to changes in the morphology of reindeer populations across different geographical regions, the evolution of these populations over time, the role of reindeer in the life and culture of late Pleistocene hunting communities, as well as their ecology, diet, and mobility.
My primary research interests encompass broadly defined paleobiology, archaeozoology, and the morphometric variability of large mammals in the Quaternary. I completed my master's studies in biology and environmental management at the University of Wrocław, conducting my diploma theses at the Department of Paleozoology at the same university.